Tuesday 13 April 2010

An invitation to join what??

Those of you who are members of the Conservative Party will doubtless have received an email today inviting us to join the government of Britain. The government of Britain is, of course, a Labour government. I hope (barely) that it will be a Conservative one - but that depends on whether the British public accept the present job application by Mr D. Cameron.

At present the Tories arrive much as Portillo did when seeking the Tory leadership in 2001, or as Cameron did likewise in 2005. They seemed at one stage to be red-hot, can't lose favourites. Now they hope to crawl over the line.

So, why did they issue an invite as if they were the hottest ticket in town? As if they were so classy that they did not need any flashy covers, just the name of the event and their own name?

Fortunately, the imagery of that sort of "exclusive" invite from a posh-club will go over most people's heads. They will just be confused a little by the title, assuming they even read it. But it does suggest that there is some truth in the attacks that the Cameron-circle live in a different world. They live in a world where invoking this sort of imagery seemed like a natural and stylish thing to do.

That is not the world that they are pretending to live in.

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