Saturday 17 April 2010

Smelt too much coffee?

A short post:

What are two of the biggest topics that the Conservatives are trying to use to fight back against Clegg: immigration and Europe.

What are two of the biggest sugjects that Cameron (guided by Ashcroft's "Smell the Coffee") has spent five years trying not to talk about: immigration and Europe.

Dear political genius Cameron decided not to persist in proposing a referendum on Europe. He preferred it to be a non-subject. Now he desparately needs it to show, particularly for the benefit of voters in the South West, that Clegg is a veritable Federalist.

Let us face it. On immigration and Europe, the LibDems are far more extreme than Labour.

I bet Cameron wished he had not smelt the coffee, but had stuck to principle. He might have laid the ground work for the attacks on Clegg, and they might mesh neatly with popular Tory policies.

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